2k Consulting

Pustá Polom

About company

The village of Pustá Polom, with a population of almost 1,500, is located in the middle of forests between the towns of Opava and Ostrava. In 1238, the Moravian Margrave Přemysl Otakar I. gave Pustou Polom the goods of the Benedictine monastery Hradisko near Olomouc. The name "Polom" recalls its origin on forest soil. The village was depopulated and desolate in the second half of the 15th century, hence the attribute "Pustá". Pustá Polom has its registry and building office, and in its territory, family development has grown greatly in recent years. The inhabitants of the village are served by the newly repaired and reconstructed buildings of the primary and nursery school, the health center, the special purpose house and the fire station.

Contact details

Slezská 94, 747 69 Pustá Polom
553 666 951

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