2k Consulting

Bernartice nad Odrou

About company

The village of Bernartice nad Odrou with about 1,000 inhabitants is located on the very border with Bohemian Silesia, in the place where the river Odra steeply flows its flow to the northeast. The first written mention dates from 1374. It is a type of village with rope development and farmsteads. Most of the area is covered with fields, meadows in the Odra floodplain. The village is part of the Poodří Protected Landscape Area. In Bernartice there is a primary and kindergarten, a municipal office, a library with internet connection for the public, a post office, a cultural house, a restaurant and a shop. Citizens have many opportunities for cultural and sports activities, and federal life is at a high level.

Contact details

Bernartice nad Odrou 200, 741 01 Nový Jičín
556 708 522

Acquired certifications


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